ग्रामपंचायत  Label
तालुका  Label   जिल्हा  Label
  Pincode :  Label
  Phone Number :  Label   Email :  Label
Tax Transaction Details Receipt
Thank you. Your Digital transaction has been completed successfully with the following details. Please quote your transaction reference number for any queries relating to this request.
Thank you for Digital transaction and supporting Digital India as well as creating Digital Record at Grampanchayat Level.
Transaction Status:
Transaction Description:
Transaction Reference Number: Transaction date and Time:
Property Number: Mobile Number:
Bank ref. Number:: Email Id:
Payment Mode: I-Banking Bank Gateway:
Amount: Transaction By: Bill Desk Online.
Note: Computer Generated online receipt, does not require signature.
         Original Receipt also available at Grampanchayat Office.
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For any Query regarding Online Transaction please contact at Grampanchayat Office.